How to use the app

Frontend is deployed at and the codebase is on GitHub.

The app will contain the following pages

Trade page

Allows users to buy and sell listed options.

To trade do the following

  1. Select network (testnet / mainnet)

  2. Connect wallet

    1. Braavos

    2. Argent

  3. Select option (long/short, call/put, listed strike, listed maturity)

    • Be aware that for longs you pay premium

    • For shorts you collect premium, but have to lock capital in the option to guarantee payment of buyer, if the buyer makes a profit.

    • Optionally, you can set slippage - slippage sets maximum acceptable difference between the current price and price at the execution time. You will always pay the price at the execution time, if the price at the execution time is higher than the price with slippage the transaction will fail - this is intentional to prevent overcharging.

  4. On a prompt window select the option size and confirm

  5. Approve the transaction in your wallet

My position page

  1. Select network (testnet / mainnet)

  2. Connect wallet

    1. Braavos

    2. Argent

  3. You will see lists of options you own

    1. Active (their maturity has not passed yet)

    2. Expired - those that expired in profit

    3. Expired - those that did not expire in profit

  4. With the options you own you can do multiple actions

    1. Close active options (sell or buy them off) - either completely or partially with "Close button".

      • Be aware that you will be allowed to close the position only if there is enough UNLOCKED capital in the pool. Since all options have locked capital accompanying them, there might be a situation that there is not enough available capital to buy/sell the option from you.

    2. Settle (expire) options that are passed their maturity. To receive the profit you gained through buying those and to receive the remaining locked capital from sold options.

Staking page

  1. Select network (testnet / mainnet)

  2. Connect wallet

    1. Braavos

    2. Argent

  3. Stake capital

    1. Select your prefered pool. Based on underlying asset and the option type.

    2. Keep in mind that each pool has predetermined currency that can be used for staking. In other words, for example ETH/USC Call pool will allow you to stake ETH only.

    3. Select amount to be staked. For example when you want to stake 1.2ETH, type in 1.2

    4. Confirm staking through "Stake" button

  4. Withdraw capital

    1. For each staked pool you can see

      1. Pool definition (name of underlying pair and option type)

      2. Total value of your stake

      3. Number of LP tokens

    2. Select the percentage amount you want to withdraw or click "Max" button

    3. Confirm the withdrawal

      • Please keep in mind that the staked capital you provided has been used as liquidity for options trading. There might still be some capital that is locked in options, so you might have to wait for it to get unlocked.

      • We are hard at work to allow immediate unlocking of the capital for user, to allow the user withdraw capital on demand.

History page

  1. Select network (testnet / mainnet)

  2. Connect wallet

    1. Braavos

    2. Argent

  3. Browse overview of all transactions performed by your wallet address with Carmine Protocol. Please note that it takes up to 20 minutes for a transaction to appear in the history table.

Wallet Info

Clicking the wallet button in the top right corner after a wallet has been connected will open Wallet Info modal with additional information:

  1. Copy address - clicking this button will copy your wallet's address into the clipboard

  2. Explore - this button will open StarkScan page with your account details in a new tab

  3. Disconnect - this button will disconnect currently connected wallet

  4. Recent transactions - whenever you make a transaction, it will appear here and you can follow its status. Note that recent transactions are not persistent, if you close/refresh the page they will disappear. They can still be found in the History page, but only after completed and indexed by third party indexer. Recent transactions have three states they can be in:

    1. Green - successfully finished

    2. Orange - pending

    3. Red - failed

Last updated