Token Allocation
12.5% to liquidity providers — Will be distributed within the first 5 years with most of the tokens distributed early. This is meant to incentivize the liquidity providers as much as possible and to reward the early adopters once more.
5% through airdrops — This will be distributed in multiple airdrops, distributed by activity on the platform, socials,… each airdrop will have different conditions specified during the previous airdrop (ie at the end of each period that ends with an airdrop, the conditions to be eligible in the next one will published). Goal of this is to be very flexible and adjust the incentives based on short term needs, where as the other “token allocation sections” should be more stable over time.
12.5% to traders — Will be distributed within the first 5 years with most of the tokens distributed early. This is meant to incentivize the trading hence fees collection as much as possible and to reward the early traders more.
10% to security pool — Will be important in v2 to allow users and pools to leverage their trades.
10% to community projects —Projects that will improve the protocol experience. From education, marketing, etc to projects that will build on top of the AMM. This will be subject to further votes. Will not be used to finance development done by the core team.
10% as initial capital to the treasury — Tokens set aside to potentially be sold off to users to help finance the development done by the core team or for audit(s). This is meant to be a back up and might never be sold off. Will be subject to voting.
20% will be distributed to investors
20% will be distributed between the core team members — During the first 8 months 8% of tokens are distributed to the development team (ending January 2023). Since February 2023 each month 0.75% will be distributed each month. Additional changes are subject to the agreement between the team members with the goal to maximize the success of the protocol. We expect to further decrease the size that gets distributed to the team each month.
Last updated